Friday, June 22, 2012

Mechanical Issues

Hey there. Guess who is still in Warsaw Poland. They are coming around asking if we would like to take up residency. Might be a bad sign. So I am looking out my window and I see the mechanics are frantically working on the left side engine.

I watch this for awhile as I am working away and then notice the flight monitor says my flight is boarding at 2:10. I am happy as can be so I pack up my stuff and head upstairs to see a long line of unhappy people. Haven't they been hanging in the lounge for the last two hours? No?? Ahhhhh.....I see.....

So I stand around for a bit until they finally tell us it will be at least another 60 minutes. I think that means an hour in Canada, so I go down to the lounge while the rest of the people up there start to lynch mob the agents at the counter. It is starting to look like a Russia Poland Eurocup match so I scooted quick! So here I sit looking out the window and I see the pilot get in his little hidey hole and the technicians close the covers on the engine and I am hopeful that the beverage I just poured will not be consumed. But of course, this is LOT airlines here and it could not be the end. I see them do this:

Looks to me like they are changing a tire or something. I have been watching this crew of four guys jacking up the wheels and working away on it for at least the last 30 minutes, They look quite involved. In my opinion, I hope they fixed the engine, but if for some reason the engine, you know, is less than fixed, I can additionally hope that the wheel repair they are performing is a really quality one so that when the above mentioned engine does crap out, we can at least land on all of the wheels.

It is 3:05 here in Poland, a mere 2 hours and 15 minutes after scheduled departure. Things are looking like a 8:00pm minimum landing time in Canada and maybe home by 9:00 if I am lucky. So much for that nice dinner my wife planned for 6:00 when I got home. Lets hope THIS is the last blog update before Toronto.

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